Stephane Garelli

Stephane Garelli


IMD (Institute of Management Development) / University of Lausanne


Stephane Garelli is a world authority on the competitiveness of nations and enterprises. He has pioneered research and theory in this field. Professor Emeritus at IMD (Institute of Management Development) Lausanne, where he continues to teach, he has founded the World Competitiveness Center. He is also Professor Emeritus of World Competitiveness and Strategy at the University of Lausanne.

Stephane Garelli was managing director of the World Economic Forum and the Davos Annual Meetings, the world's most important annual gathering of business and government leaders worldwide, for 13 years.

He was also Chairman of the Board of the FF Sandoz Financial and Banking Holding and a member of the Board of Directors of the Banque Edouard Constant. These two entities were part of the Sandoz Foundation (a prominent European investor in the pharmaceutical, telecommunications, hotel, watch, and financial industries). For 15 years, he has been Chairman of Le Temps, the leading French-language newspaper in Switzerland, and a shareholder.

Stephane Garelli is a member of the International Olympic Commission on Sustainability and Legacy (chaired by Prince Albert of Monaco). He has supervised several studies on the impact of sports events and organizations on local and regional public entities (impact analysis).

He was also elected a member of the Constitutional Assembly of his local state - Vaud, Switzerland, from 1999 to 2002.

He was the author of the series of annual reports ranking the competitiveness of nations since 1989. He has also written several reports on the competitiveness of specific countries and regions. Governments and institutions regularly consult him on the issue.

He is/was also a member of several organizations, such as the Thai Management Association, the China Enterprise Management Association, the advisory committee of the World Wildlife Fund, a board member of the ‘Foundation Jean Monet for Europe”, the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, the Mexican Council for Competitiveness, etc.

He has published two best-selling books, "Top Class Competitors - How Nations, Firms, and Individuals Succeed in the New World of Competitiveness" with Wiley and " Are You a Tiger, a Cat or a Dinosaur?", available on Amazon. He has also written a considerable number of articles and chronicles on competitiveness in professional journals, magazines, and newspapers. He is also frequently interviewed in the media worldwide.